I passed my exams :-) Two down, one to go :-)
So this morning I finally heard the global results of my exams: i passed and may start now with my third year IT, which should be my last year :-)

hcgtv on 2004-06-23 17:33
Congrats, keep in mind
Congrats, keep in mind though, that there is no last year in IT, it's a moving target.

admun on 2004-06-23 19:22
Alright, good work!
Alright, good work!

TeRanEX on 2004-06-23 23:38
Thx! :-) @hcgtv: I know ;-) I
Thx! :-)
@hcgtv: I know ;-) I should have said: my last year at school :-)