Today I'm happy to launch the new version of my weblog. (Oh and also the rest of the website, although some content still needs to be updated.) This is version 3 of the weblog, not counting my very first weblog at Although it's only been 1.5 year since I switched from Nucleus CMS to Wordpress, I once again switched over to another CMS: Drupal. Not because I was unhappy with Wordpress (it's a really nice system), but Drupal gives me a lot more flexibility. Flexibility which I needed to implement some new ideas I had for this version of the weblog and my website in general.
I have always maintained a few different sites, running on a plethora of applications. I had my photo website (, which ran on ZenPhoto; I had with the activity stream, running on Gregarius with some self-hacked ruby code to write the final stream; Then I had my cv-site (, which was mainly just static html …