ItemOptions, getOptionTop-methods, numbertype: 'my implementation plan'
Since i have a nice list of things i want to implement into the Nucleus core, i created an overview of it at my wiki and there you find a page for every feature, with the status of the development (implementing, proposed, done,...)
Currently i'm implementing the ItemOptions, well in fact that is ready, except the testcases.
While i was implementing these itemoptions i started to think about getOptionTop-methods. With these methods plugins will be able to retrieve an ordered array of the x highest or x lowest values of an option. Because this is used in some plugins that could be using itemOptions in the future, like NP_View, NP_Karma, etc, i started developing these methods as part of my itemoptions implementation. But when i thought i was ready i discovered that options with a 'numerical' value, like my testcase NP_Karma, don't sort right since they are sorted as text. That's why i started thinking (again) about a numerical type for options, which i need to implement now before i can finnish the getOptionTop methods.
I today decided that it is not good to wait with publishing the ItemOptions so i created a seperate wikipage to keep the development of the getOptionTop-methods.
After these features I have the following items in mind:
- Optiontype: readonly and hidden
- event: PostNucleusUpgrade
- TemplateOptions
- SkinOptions
- CommentOptions (still thinking about this)
- 'Guided uninstall' (also still considering)
- Plugin upgrade functionality (this is a big one)
- Lists-of-Things (far far future)

admun on 2004-06-22 15:52
Cool stuff. BTW, make sure to
Cool stuff. BTW, make sure to tpuch base with karma for his insight. I've being having fun talking to him. 8)

TeRanEX on 2004-06-22 23:51
Yes it is indeed very
Yes it is indeed very interesting. I hope he will review my code before i submit them to CVS... (just to be sure i don't to stupid things :-))
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