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Talk: Git in Depth

I first created this presentation for the Drupal Camp 2011 in Kiev, but I have given it at a few other locations and conferences, such as LOADays 2012.

Since it is a talk about Git, the talk itself obviously is also version controlled with Git. Since I'm finally really tired with WYSIWYG presentation software (yes, even LibreOffice Impress), I tried something different. The slide show is written as a single markdown document, which is then converted using the nice S9 application. It uses the 'HTML5 Google rocks' template to give it a very cool and clean look.

My slides are available on my github account: https://github.com/teranex/git-talk and they are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

You can see the rendered presentation here: https://budts.be/static/media/talks/git/version-control-with-git.html5.html#slide1

Maybe you can watch the slides below as well, but that depends on CSS3 support in your browser, so it might not work...

My vim configuration on Github

Ever since I started using Vim as my preferred text editor I have been keeping my configuration under source control. At first I kept my config for all the various applications + some useful scripts in one Git repository. But after I had given a (very) short presentation at work, I started to think about splitting of my vim-configuration into a separate repository. I have already learned a lot of useful tricks and settings about vim by studying other peoples vimrc-files, so I feel like it's only fair to also put mine out in the wild.

So first I did a little Git magic to split of my vim subdirectory into a separate Git repository, without losing any of the history. The answer on how to do this can be found on StackOverflow: Detach subdirectory into separate Git repository.

Then I created a repository on Github and pushed my entire vim configuration. Feel free to explore it and use pieces from it. (Or use it in it's entirety, but I don't …

Using your Bash and Vim config on multiple computers

Not long after I switched to Linux I started modifying my .bashrc file. In a .bashrc file you can set options for Bash, add aliases, configure your Bash prompt etc. When I decided to start using Vim as my main editor a few weeks ago, I also started tinkering with the .vimrc file. The .vimrc file is, similar to the .bashrc file, the place-to-be to configure Vim.

Obviously I wanted to share all these config-files between my work machine and my personal computer. That is why I set up a Git repository on my Dreamhost webspace. With most of your important config-files in a Git repository you can easily share your config between multiple computers and you get a history of your modifications as a free bonus.

Because I want to keep it clear which files are in the Git repo and which files are not, I just created a directory in my homedirectory called 'scripts' (so at ~/scripts/). Everything in that directory is in Git, everything outside the directory …