Features in 1.2
- DONE: use doError for errors (while (un)subscribing), and redirects when (un)subscbribing
- DONE: Provide an admin area to manage the subscription lists
- DONE: Choose the desired language as a plugin option
- DONE: plugin(s) to update an installation of MyNewsletter 1.0/1.1 to 1.2
Planned features for 1.3
- Automatically subscribe when registering
- Subscribe to all blogs (will use blogid = 0)
- Archive all sent mails (as plain html files)
- Document how an unsubscribe link can be added to the newsletter
Planned features for future versions
- Confirm subscribtion with a confirmation mail
- the possibility of selection by user to obtain text or html mail
- Interface to create the url to send a newsletter (and send if you want). This could be used when you are going to create the cronjob (just copy paste it) or if you only want to send newsletters manually
- Eventually some day in the very far future: Multiple newsletters per blog, or newsletters that you bind to a certain blog and skin, to make it possible (as an example) to let users choose if they want to receive a mail on a daily or weekly basis.

gorbeats on 2004-09-20 13:08
Wow...1.3 will be a great
Wow...1.3 will be a great plugin...should really be part of the main core...! two thumbs up for your plugin...! ;)
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