Belgian Vim user group for meetups

A while ago, after reading about some of the meetups organized by VimBerlin and VimLondon, I started wondering if there would be any interest in a similar group for Belgium / Antwerp. Today I asked the question on Twitter and I'd like to ask it here again:

Would there be any interest in a Belgian or Antwerp usergroup for Vim with regular meetups?

Since there are already some good communities for Vim online, such as the vim_use mailinglist, I don't want to start an online community. The idea would be to organize a meetup every once in a while. At first 2 or 3 months, to avoid rushing stuff. During such a meetups we can organize to have a few people give short (15 - 30 minutes) talks about a specific topic related to Vim. These talks can cover a very wide range of topics. such as:

  • core Vim commands (for new users)
  • more exotic commands (such as advanced :g-usage)
  • a presentation of a specific plugin
  • how to efficiently navigate code
  • how to integrate with other specific tools
  • ...

Just to name a few. Ideally we can offer a balance between introduction-level talks, more advanced topics for the average Vim user, to some really hard-core topics.

A good start would be to have a few people who want to give a short talk and one longer so that we can fill one or two hours with talks. Combined with some likely discussion afterwards and some drinks I think that could certainly result in an interesting evening.

So: Please let me know if you are interested in joining such a meetup and if you want to do a short (or longer) talk about any topic related to Vim. Just add a comment to this blogpost or send me a tweet: @teranex or you can find me at FOSDEM on Saturday and Sunday.

If there is interest I will organize the first evening (and probably give one of the talks) in one or two months. As for a location, that's no problem as we can use the Inuits office (Antwerp) with room for at least 30 people.

Update: As a first step, I created the @VimBelgium Twitter account to communicate about the meetups. I'll also post some useful tips from time to time. So if you are interested in the concept, please follow @VimBelgium on Twitter.



Jef Claes on 2013-02-01 23:38 reply

If it's somewhere nearby, I

If it's somewhere nearby, I might come and have a look, since I have only used vim by accident, and failed at it tremendously :)


paul on 2013-02-02 11:40 reply


I will be there, and can give a tutorial for newbies if you like.
(I never read twitter, so please announce date+location also on this blog.)


Bert Van Vreckem on 2013-02-02 15:07 reply

Sounds interesting, but maybe

Sounds interesting, but maybe a bit too specialised?

I would try to come every now and then, but life usually gets in the way (3 small kids, don't allow us to do many evening activities)...

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